Specialists in water and wastewater technology
Judd Water & Wastewater Consultants has over 35 years’ experience in the field of water and wastewater treatment.
Husband-and-wife team Simon Judd and Claire Judd offer specialist knowledge and services in the field of water and wastewater treatment. We offer technical consultancy, training and guest speaking worldwide, and have published a number of books in this field.
In 2015, Simon was voted No.5 in the water industry’s list of high fliers by Water and Wastewater International. Claire and Simon are owners/managers of The MBR Site and SludgeProcessing.com.
We are based just outside London in the UK.

Water and Wastewater Consultancy
Our experience in the field of water and wastewater treatment underpins our specialist advice and guidance to clients all over the world.
JWWC offers a full range of consultancy services in potable and wastewater treatment technology including, for example, selecting process treatment schemes, evaluating technology options, trouble-shooting technical problems, and cost analysis.
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Water and Wastewater courses for groups
Our courses are most often delivered to organisations that require group training. Courses are delivered online or at the client’s location, and can include tutorials and assignments as well as open discussion forums.
All our CPD courses in water and wastewater treatment can be customised to suit your particular training needs.
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Our Books
Simon Judd is author of two editions of The MBR Book (Elsevier 2006, 2010).
Watermaths (3rd edn, 2019) is written for undergraduate students of water engineering or environmental science, and practitioners in the water industry who need a basic refresher.
Industrial MBRs (2014) offers a concise guide to the design, operation and application of membrane bioreactor technology to the treatment of industrial effluents.
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Water and Wastewater Research Experience
Our research experience spans both the commercial and academic sectors.
Research projects have addressed real-world challenges through applied research – in municipal and industrial effluent, potable water, boiler feed water, swimming pools, produced water and other wastewaters generated from oil and gas industry operations.
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About Judd Water & Wastewater Consultants
Judd Water & Wastewater Consultants offers worldwide technical consultancy, training and guest speaking in pure, potable and wastewater treatment technology.
Our specialist areas include marine water treatment, industrial effluent treatment, municipal wastewater treatment, boiler feed water treatment, produced water treatment, wastewater recovery and reuse, and membrane technology.
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The MBR Site
The MBR Site is a source of information for anyone interested in membrane bioreactor technology and advanced wastewater processes – including practitioners, students and researchers worldwide. It holds directories of suppliers, membrane products and reference installations, and publishes regular technical features by MBR experts.
Introduction to Treatment Technologies
The treatment of water or wastewater relies on a number of individual unit operations combined to make a process. The same underpinning mechanisms, either physical or chemical in nature, apply to the process whatever the type of water or wastewater to be treated.